AHA offers 3-day full service coyote hunts in central Alberta. With very high coyote densities, it is not uncommon for our hunters to see over 20 a day, and have anywhere from five to 15 come to the call each day. While there are never any guarantees, hunting high populations gives us the opportunity to present each of our hunters with world-class predator hunting. Using e-calls, mouth calls, and decoys, we have access to many different private properties holding lots of coyotes. You simply have to experience it first hand to believe it!

A typical day begins well before daylight with breakfast, then a drive to our hunting grounds. Depending on snow conditions, we can often get as many as eight or more calling sessions in each day.

For more information, go to our contact us page, submit your details and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Rifle Hunt: $2,250 USD (3-day) or $750 per day
License: $ 125 USD

● Pick-up/drop-off at Edmonton International Airport, full guide service, food & lodging, transportation during the hunt

Not included:
● License, Federal Goods & Services tax (GST), skinning fees & taxidermy, associated packaging/shipping, guide/cook gratuities, flights or other transportation to/from Alberta

© Copyright Alberta Hunting Adventures